L - Definitions

  • L

    legacy system (legacy application)

    A legacy system is any outdated computing system, hardware or software that is still in use. Legacy systems include computer hardware, software applications, file formats and programming languages.

  • Linkerd

    Linkerd is an open source network proxy installed as a service mesh for Kubernetes.

  • live migration

    Live migration refers to the process of moving a virtual machine running on one physical host to another host without disrupting normal operations or causing any downtime or other adverse effects for the end user.

  • log analytics

    Log analytics is the assessment of a recorded set of information from one or more events, captured from a computer, network, application operating system (OS) or other IT ecosystem component.

  • LXD (Linux container hypervisor)

    LXD is an open source container management extension for Linux Containers (LXC).

Software Quality
App Architecture
Cloud Computing
Data Center